
clearing the top of the allotment

In this weeks video I have been clearing the very top of my allotment. An area that I have really neglected.

This area was inherited with many fruit plants growing. The area contained rhubarb, raspberries and current bushes.

Its time now to clear it and concentrate on keeping it clear over the next year. In this video I have made a start.

2 thoughts on “clearing the top of the allotment

  • Hi Richard. That is a sterling job of clearing the weeds. Do you think laying carpet over the weed covered ground, then leaving the weeds to die off before digging them out can be helpfull? Also do you know if elephant garlic can be grown in pots?
    Kindest regards
    Much love…
    Nikki. 🙂

  • Hi Nikki.

    We’re not allowed carpet on the allotment so I can’t use that but I will use cardboard and mulch which hopefully along with lots of hoeing should be enough to control the weeds.

    If the pot is big enough I don’t see why it wouldn’t grow in a pot. It would need a rather large pot per plant is all I would say old say a minimum of 10 inch pot per clove. It will also need more watering. Give it a go and let me know how it works out for you.

    Much love


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