
Weekly harvest report.

Each week I like to share my weekly harvest report. A weekly look at what I have harvested and how much that would have cost from a shop.

Weekly harvest report.

This week we have harvested the following

  • 14 chicken eggs which would have cost us £3.50 from a shop
  • 1kg tomatoes which would have cost us £2 from a shop.
  • 250g cape gooseberries which would have cost us 25p from a shop.
  • 1 large pumpkin 15.3kg which would have cost us £5 from a shop.
  • 3 small pumpkins weighing 1kg each these would have cost £6  from a shop.
  • A selection of herbs and salad leaves as required. We allow £1 for this.

This weeks total.

That brings this weeks total to £17.75 from a shop. Over all I am pleased with that total.

Making their first appearance on the report this week is the cape gooseberries or physalis. I have been growing this plant this year and its grown pretty large. The fruits however taste really sweet and are well worth growing.

Pumpkins also have made a reappearance. Now pumpkins are in season its been possible to find a more true price for these as demonstrated here.

What have you harvested this week? Let me know in the comments or Email me here.

2 thoughts on “Weekly harvest report.

  • Hi Richard, here’s my weekly harvest report: we harvested £198 worth of veg last week. Thanks to the last bulk harvest of potatoes we kept up a pretty good harvest rate. We also picked: broccoli, brocollini, kale, kalettes, sprout leaves, potatoes, red beets, golden beets, spring onions, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, radish, NZ spinach, true spinach, chard, peppers, mixed herbs, strawberries and raspberries

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