
Weekly harvest report.

Each week I like to share my weekly harvest report. Detailing what I have harvested in the last week and what it would have cost me from a shop.

Weekly harvest report.

This week I have harvested

  • 10 chicken eggs which would have cost £2.50 from a shop
  • 14 quail eggs which would have cost £2.94 from a shop
  • 3kg rhubarb which would have cost £10.35 from a shop
  • 250g new potatoes which would have cost 25p from a shop
  • 2 onions which would have cost 32p from a shop
  • 750g strawberries which would have cost us £3.50 from a shop
  • 100g broad beans which would have cost 20p from a shop
  • 100g salad leaves and herbs which would have cost us £1 from a shop

This week's total.

In total our harvest this week has a value of £21.06. I am very happy with this value. The amount of food harvested is certainly plenty for the 2 of us here.

I have also noticed that there are much more crops coming into harvest this week. Given that the hungry gap is just past we can expect yields to increase.

It's also very nice to have strawberries and new potatoes back in the kitchen. The flavour of these crops cannot be beaten when homegrown.

What have you harvested this week? Let me know in the comments or Email me here.

2 thoughts on “Weekly harvest report.

  • As you say Richard the hungry gap is definitely over now. We harvested £200 worth of veg and the first fruit. We had our first sprouts from the polytunnel and a nice mix of New Zealand spinach, purselane, baby beets, baby carrots, spinach, lettuces, courgette, strawberry, stored carrots, stored beets, calabrese, brassica leaves, spring onions, onions, potatoes, chard, broad beans, peas, broccoli and radish. : all the best – Steve

  • Fantastic stuff Steve. You have so much food that your family certainly is not going hungry. All the best. Richard.

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