
Episode 193 featuring Stephen Ticehurst.

Join me in this weeks vegetable gardening podcast where I chat to fellow allotmenteer Stephen Ticehurst. I also share the latest progress on my plots.

The diary

This weeks tasks have included

  • How the evenings drawing in are making it difficult to get to my allotment
  • Harvesting sweet potatoes
  • An email from the council

and much much more

My guest Stephen Ticehurst.

I was lucky enough to be invited on to a listeners allotment for a cuppa and chat. Stephen has been listening to my podcast while cycling to work. I would often get some comments from his experience as well as being a member and commenter in the Facebook group.

Stephen's allotment is on the south downs an area of natural beauty. With the south coast in view on 1 side and the downs to the other it was a very peaceful place to  garden.

We chatted about allotments, square foot gardening and no dig gardening from Stephen's experience. You can hear our musings in this podcast.


If your interested in having a chat with me on an allotment then get in touch. Leave a comment or Email me here.

3 thoughts on “Episode 193 featuring Stephen Ticehurst.

  • Nikki Grosvenor

    Hello Richard….. did you net your gooseberry bushes to keep the birds off the fruit?
    Much love….
    Nikki. X:)

  • Hi Nikki.

    No I don’t net my gooseberries luckily the birds leave them alone. However the gooseberries I talk about in this podcast is cape gooseberries otherwise known as physalis. I’ve not even seen my chickens try and eat them I’m not sure if there’s a reason why but I shall look into that discovery.

    Thanx for commenting

    Much love

    Richard x..

  • Nikki Grosvenor

    Thank you for your response Richard. Much love. Nikki. X:)

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