
Weekly harvest report

Each week I like to share my weekly harvest report. Detailing what we have harvested and how much that would have cost from a shop,

Weekly harvest report

This week we have harvested the following items.

  • 13 quail egg's which would have cost us £2.73 from a shop.
  • 1 large pumpkin (13.1kg) which would have cost us £26.10 from a shop (according to the Waitrose website).
  • A small pumpkin (1kg) which would have cost us £2.00 from a shop.
  • 1 large cabbage which would have cost us 79p from a shop.
  • 1kg potatoes which would have cost us 80p from a shop.
  • 3 courgettes which would have cost us £1.20 from a shop.
  • 1 pear which would have cost us 40p from a shop.
  • 3 cooking apples which would have cost us £1.38 from a shop
  • 1kg tomatoes which would have cost us £2.00 from a shop.
  • 1kg cider apples. Cider apples are not readily for sale  but normal apples would have cost £1 for this.
  • 2kg eating apples which would have cost £2 from a shop.
  • Selection of herbs and salad leaves harvested as and when required. We allow £1 for these.

This week's total.

That brings this week's total to £41.40. Overall a very good week despite not being on the plots much.  The bulk of this weeks value seems to be from the large pumpkin. Again I can only base this on the price I can find online of which currently only Waitrose appears to be selling. Personally I think this price is high but as I base these figures on the prices I can find online, the Waitrose price is all I have to go by.

The quail egg production has dropped. I believe this is due to the drop in weather and the changes that has been made to the quails home. More on this in tomorrows podcast.

What have you harvested this week? Let me know in the comments below or Email me here.

One thought on “Weekly harvest report

  • Hi Richard, I’m not surprised at the pumpkin price as given their size and weight they will be expensive to transport and display in a shop. Bought from a farm shop they might be cheaper. I’m away this week and two of the families we deliver to are as well, so our harvest is very low again, but it’s still respectable:

    Our weekly harvest report: we harvested £182 worth of veg. We picked: sweet corn, kale, kalettes, runner beans, french beans, potatoes, red beets, golden beets, onions, celery, courgettes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers,Kuri squash, Crown Prince squash, carrots, lettuce, NZ spinach, Malabar spinach, green and golden purselane, strawberries and raspberries.

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