
Episode 187. How I grow over-wintered onions.

Join me in this weeks veg growing podcast where I will be discussing how I grow over-wintered onions. I also share the latest on the plots.

The diary.

This weeks tasks have included the following

  • Integrating quail
  • harvesting pumpkin
  • Hedgehogs in the garden

And much more.

Over-wintering onions.

Every year I over-winter onions. I have found Its by far the most easiest and successful way to grow onions. Of course onions have hundreds of uses in the kitchen but one of my favourite recipes to make is this simple soup recipe.

In this podcast I discuss how simple I find it to grow these vegetables. How little care these need growing over winter and what problems they can suffer from.

 Resources for this show.

As always please leave any comments below. Alternaitvely Email me here.