
Weekly harvest report

Each week I like to share my weekly harvest report. Reporting what I have harvested and how much that would have cost me from a shop.

Weekly harvest report

This week we have harvested the following

  • 21 quail eggs which would have cost us £4.41 from a shop.
  • 1kg of tomatoes which would have cost us £2.50 from a shop.
  • 2 pears which would have cost us 82p from a shop.
  • 1 small cauliflower which would have cost us £1 from a shop.
  • 500g potatoes which would have cost us 50p from a shop.
  • 1.3kg cooking apples which would have cost £2 from a shop.
  • An eating apple ( I munched on this while working on the allotment) which would have cost 44p from a shop.
  • A large pumpkin which weigh 8.3kg which would have cost £16 from a shop.
  • 1 small pumpkin which weighed 400g and would have cost 80p from a shop.
  • A selection of herbs and salad leaves as required. We allow £1 for this.

This week's total

That brings this weeks total to £29.47. I am happy with that again. The highest vale item is the pumpkin of which I priced from Waitrose purely because they seem the only place to be selling them at the moment. I expect this value to be open to some debate.

Overall everything on this list is very useable and will go a long way to making our meal's for the week very tasty.

What have you harvested this week? Let me know in the comments below or Email me here.


2 thoughts on “Weekly harvest report

  • Weekly harvest report: we’ve been away all week so we only had two days at home so we only cropped £115 worth of fruit and veg. We have however done lots of apples/pears for drying. We still have some big harvests ahead though. We picked: peppers, chillies, sweet corn, kale, runner beans, kalettes, french beans, runner beans, potatoes, red beets, golden beets, celery, courgettes, tomatoes, cucumbers, calabrese, carrots, lettuce, NZ spinach, Malabar spinach, green and golden purselane, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apples and pears.

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