
Weekly harvest report.

Each week I like to share my weekly harvest report. Seeing what has been harvested and how much the produce is worth.

Weekly harvest report

  • 14 quail eggs which would have cost us £2.94 from a shop
  • 3 courgettes which would have cost us £1.20 from a shop.
  • 100g of peas which would have cost us 80p from a shop.
  • 250g of broad beans which would have cost us 75p from a shop.
  • 6 kg of red onions which would have cost us £6.00 from a shop.
  • 1kg of onions which would have cost us 75p from a shop.
  • 100g blueberries which would have cost us £1.30 from a shop.
  • Selection of herbs and salad leaves as and when needed. We allow £1 for this.

This week's total.

That brings this week's total to £14.74. A bit low this week due to time constraints but its not to bad really.

What did you harvest this week? Let me know in the comments below or Email me here

2 thoughts on “Weekly harvest report.

  • Hi Richard

    No chicken eggs? Here’s my weekly harvest report: we harvested £200 worth of veg. We picked: sprouts, cabbage, kale, runner beans, french beans, peas, mangetout peas, potatoes, red beets, golden beets, spring onions, onions, garlic, broad beans, celery, courgettes, tromboncinos, tomatoes, cucumbers, cucamelons,Kuri squash, PSB, cauliflower, gherkins, calabrese, carrots, lettuce, NZ spinach, green and golden purselane, strawberries, black currants, gooseberries, cherries, and raspberries.

    Actually we also harvested shallots and leeks too, but I forgot to add these to the tally.

    all the best – Steve

  • No no chicken eggs this week as bear has gone broody and grills doesn’t seem to lay in summer. Another fantastic harvest there Steve. All the best.

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