
Weekly harvest report

Each week I like to share the weekly harvest report. Recording and sharing what has been harvested in the last week and seeing how much that would have cost us to buy from a shop.

Weekly harvest report.

This week we have harvested the following

  • 7 chicken eggs which would have cost us £1.75 if we bought them from a shop.
  • 14 quail eggs which would have cost us £2.94 if we had bought them from a shop.
  • 6.2kg of onions which would have cost us £6.95 if we bought them from a shop.
  • 1kg of strawberries which would have cost us £4.41 if we had bought them from a shop.
  • 300g of broad beans which would have cost us £1 if we had bought them from a shop.
  • 3.5kg of rhubarb which would have cost us £13.12 if we had bought them from a shop.
  • Several helpings of salad leaves and herbs of which  we will allow £1.00 for.

This week's totals.

In total this weeks produce would have cost us £31.17 if we had bought it all from a shop. I am very happy with that.

We have had a very decent amount of food come in this week. Of course the onions will go into storage until needed where as the other items will be used or preserved in whatever way we can. It certainly won't take long till fill the freezer up at this rate.

What have you harvested this week? et me know in the comments below or Email me here.

2 thoughts on “Weekly harvest report

  • We harvested £201 worth of veg this week, a bit low because of holidays and im Ill at the moment too. We also harvested a huge quantity of onions and garlic but we can’t weigh those yet so they will be counted in a week or two. In addition to the usual salads, carrots, beets, potatoes, peas and brassicas we are now harvesting loads of cucumbers, courgettes and strawberries now. : all the best – Steve

  • I’m so sorry to hear your ill Steve. I hope you get better soon. That’s still a great harvest your bringing in. Thank you. Richard.

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