
Weekly harvest report

Its that time of the week for the weekly harvest report. A weekly look at what has been harvested and how much that would have cost us from a shop.

Weekly harvest report.

This week we have harvested

  • 12 chicken eggs which would have cost us £3 if bought from a shop.
  • 14 quail eggs which would have cost us £2.94 if bought from a shop.
  • 1kg of rhubarb which would have cost us £3.45 if bought from a shop.
  • 2 stalks of asparagus which would have cost us 20p if bought from a shop.
  • 100g of salad leaves picked as we required them This would have cost us £1 if bought from a shop.

This week's total.

The total cost of this weeks harvest is £10.59. Again I am happy with this amount. I could have plenty more coming in if I really wanted but this is enough to keep our food shop to a minimum.

Regular readers may notice that quail egg production is slowly returning to normal with 2 quail eggs every day. While this isn't quite at the 3 eggs per day we were getting before moving them it is certainly increasing again. You may also notice asparagus has appeared of which I am very very pleased with although the 2 stalk harvested where snapped off in the wind. There will be more to follow.

What have you harvested this week? let me know in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Weekly harvest report

  • Hi Richard, It’s certainly been a good week, we’ve had a few problems with water, so our lettuce crop has suffered, and of course the over-wintered veg is now coming to and end but we still managed 150 litres of veg. Carrots, lettuces, rocket, corn salad, lots of types of kale, kalettes, red cabbage, sprouts, 14 litres of purple sprouting broccoli, radish, chard, spinach, perpetual spinach, spring onions, rhubarb and pac choi. We’ve now run out of golden beetroot, but we raided the store for red beetroot, beans, onions and potatoes. We bartered for 12 eggs and locally grown greenhouse tomatoes. I hope the quail settle in next week : All the best – Steve

  • That’s amazing amount of food you are bringing in Steve. Shows what you get by putting in the effort.

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