Weekly harvest report.
It's time to look at what I have harvested this last week. A weekly harvest report. In this blog post shows how much food I have harvested and the shop value.
Weekly harvest report.
This week we have harvested
- 10 chicken eggs worth £2.50 if bought from a shop.
- 21 quail eggs worth £4.41 if bought from a shop.
- 25g of broccoli worth about 25p if bought from a shop.
- 1.3kg of leeks worth £2.75 if bought from a shop.
This brings this weeks total to £9.91. I am pretty pleased with that amount, however, I am really looking forward to the season kicking off and getting plenty of fresh food coming in.
How about you what have you harvested this week. let me know in the comments or Email me here.
oh my, what do you do with all of those quail eggs!
Scotch eggs, pickled eggs, boiled and mayonnaise so far. Always trying things with them.