

18.6.2018 Planting sweet potatoes and new quail

In this weeks video from the veg grower podcast I shall be showing my new quail chicks and planting out

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New potatoes.

It’s Wednesday which means its time to look at my understanding of a horticultural word or term. This week I am

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4.6.2018 Allotment pumpkins and potatoes

Join me in this weeks video where I plant out my pumpkins and harvest my first potatoes. Pumpkins and potatoes.

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2.4.2018 Sowing potatoes video.

Join me in this weeks video from the veg grower podcast where I am sowing my potatoes. Or is it

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17.7.2017 Harvesting first potatoes and shallots

Join me this week as I start harvesting the first potatoes and shallots. While working on the allotment I am

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