
18.6.2018 Planting sweet potatoes and new quail

In this weeks video from the veg grower podcast I shall be showing my new quail chicks and planting out sweet potatoes.

New quail and sweet potatoes

This week has had some very interesting developments on the plots. We have managed to hatch out some new quail chicks. This little birds have been a major focal point as well as a milestone in the quail project achieved.

I have also planted out my sweet potatoes. These plants arrived in May and where promptly planted into pots. As they have grown on it is now time to get them planted out.

It's also time to harvest some of my onions. A few of them have gone week at the knees which is an indication its time to bring them in.

So sit back and watch a I work my way through all of this.

Any comments or suggestions greatly appreciated.