
Onion soup.

After going through my onion stores I had some that needed using straight away. So I used them to make this simple tasty soup.


  • Onions. I used as many as I had to use up.
  • A knob of butter
  • Vegetable stock. Enough to cover the onions as per the method.


  1. I peeled and chopped the onions. I probably had about 4 onions in this.
  2. Put a pan on a gentle heat on the hob and melt.
  3. Add the onions and garlic. gently cook until nice and soft.
  4. Cover in the vegetable stock put a lid on the pan. Bring the mixture to a boil then turn the heat down to a gentle simmer.
  5. Leave for 20 minutes simmering, stirring occasionally.
  6. Remove off heat and allow to cool a little. Then blend to a soup. I use a stick blender but a liquidiser will do the job.
  7. Place back on the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes before serving.

How was it?

I found this to be a tasty soup that is quick to make. I'm also happy to use onions that may of soon be wasted. As this recipe makes a reasonable batch I put a few servings of this in the freezer to be used another time. This soup also turned out a white colour, however different colour onions may produce different results. So what do you think? Let me know in the suggestions below.