
Episode 196. The vegepod growing system

Join me in this weeks vegetable gardening podcast where I explore the vegepod growing system.

The diary

In this weeks diary section, I cover the following tasks

  • Pulling out raspberries
  • sorting out the greenhouse
  • tidying the herb pots

The vegepod system and others.

On Sunday I attended the ideal home show. There was a couple of items that I wanted to look at. The first item was an ice bucket/ outdoor sink/ chopping board called the home bird (or Freebird for a shorter version).

I really loved this product and bought 1 to go in my bbq area. I am hoping to chat with the creator in the future but will be testing this product out over the next few weeks. For more information check them out here.

The next item that interested me is the vegepod growing system. I managed to chat to the stall holder and you can listen to the conversation in this podcast.

I really think both of these products are seriously awesome and well worth looking at.

What do you think of these items?  let me know in the comments or Email me here.

2 thoughts on “Episode 196. The vegepod growing system

  • Thanks for this informative edition of the podcast.

    The Vegepod system looks interesting. I’m unsure what the advantage is over a Trug. Or even a raised bed. Can you advise?

  • I think there’s pros and coms for every system. For me personally I like the fact that the small and medium system can have wheels to male it moveable. I also like the water reservoir that will keep all plants well watered for a couple of weeks should I go on holiday. I also like the modular aspect the fat that its possible to add more units to make the growing area larger.

    I did email vegepod uk with your question too to see what they say. I have copied their reply as follows.

    Beaut of a question from a listener & one that has many answers that I’ll bullet point:

    • Full containment; water reservoir to hold 16l water plus any nutrients from the soil/compost. Enough water to ensure plants will not dry out for a few weeks. Over flow for excess water to drain away
    • Wicking bed to protect soil/compost from the water and support the watering of plants through a compillary action
    • Full foot of growing depth across the full width and length
    • Food safe materials that will not root & require no additional treatment ensuring longevity.
    • Sustainability as materials will not degrade & any damaged parts can be replaced
    • Canopy to protect against adverse weather, bugs and animals while creating a micro climate to aid plant growth.
    • Irrigation system includes in canopy helping to easily maintain water levels for propagation or even when away
    • One person, quick and easy assemble
    • Very little maintenance due to no wood treatment, mesh required for the bed & less soil management due to containment.

    Sorry I’ve gone a little bit here & accept some of these could be argued (example growing depth on a planter) but see these as the main differences. There are others.

    Happy for you to contest and maybe have a little debate

    Hope that answers your question. Theres plenty of items to think about but please get in touch if you want to know more.

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