
Episode 195. Growing mint in winter.

Join me in this weeks vegetable growing podcast where I shall be discussing how I grow mint over the winter months. I also share the latest on the allotment and vegetable patch.

The diary.

Each podcast I share my personal log of what I have been doing in my allotment and vegetable patch. This weeks tasks include

  • Weeding weeding and more weeding
  • Bad news on the BBQ
  • Setting up my grandfathers cloches.

Please listen to this week's podcast to find out more.

Growing mint in winter.

For any years I have grown mint over winter. Having a fresh supply of this tasty and aromatic herb is great. Mint is also incredibly easy to grow providing its contained. I suspect everyone who listens to this podcast will have a pot of mint somewhere in their garden.

Growing mint over the winter in order to provide a fresh supply is easily achievable too. A very quick job with minimal tools or materials and you can have mint over the next few weeks.

In this week's podcast I discuss how I achieve this and how you might want to give it a try.



If you grow mint over winter, Let me know how you get on. Leave a comment or Email me here