
#463 How to grow overwinter chillies and broad beans

Join Richard on this weeks veg grower podcast. This week Richard is starting to grow some chillies to over winter and preparing to get started with overwintering broad beans. Richard also shares the latest from the plots.

This week on the plots

This week Richard has tackled a number of tasks on the plot including

  • Hung wire in the greenhouse to hang hanging baskets from overwinter
  • Tidied up the mint in a Belfast sink
  • Bought home the onions from the grandads greenhouse
  • Harvested a disappointing spring sown onion crop

Much more on the podcast

How to grow overwinter chillies and broad beans

Late Summer often is overlooked as an ideal chance to sow more seeds but with a little planning, there's much to sow.

One thing well worth sowing is some chillies. Richard loves chillies but does find they need a long growing period. Because of this he has started sowing some chillies no to over winter.

Richard also loves to grow over winter broad beans. These will grow in the ground over winter and make the plot look like something is happening in the deepest darkest depths of winter.

In this podcast Richard shares how he goes about growing both of these plants over the winter months.

Recipe of the week

This weeks recipe is onion loaf and that recipe will be out on Wednesday.

Let Richard know what you think of anything mentioned in this podcast

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