
Weekly harvest report. Week 12 of 2019.

I am few days late in writing up this weeks harvest report. This is due to being away and only just catching up. But here is the weekly harvest report for week 12 of 2019.

This weeks harvest

This week we have harvested the following

  • 17 chicken eggs which would have cost us £4.25 from a shop.
  • 6 quail eggs which would have cost us £1.26 from a shop.
  • A selection of salad leaf and herbs harvested as and when required. We allow £1 for this

That brings the total for this week to £6.51 and the total for the year so far to £88.10.

With being away over this last week I did expect to see a drop in harvests. I don't mind at all as they are still picking up. It is also good to see quail eggs returning to the harvest's too.

This weeks spenditure

This week we haven't spent any money at all in the garden. which is good and keeps the total spend for the year to £141.99

What have you harvested this week? let me know in the comments or Email me here.