
Weekly harvest report

Each week I like to share my weekly harvest report. Detailing what has been harvested and how much that would have cost from a shop.

Weekly harvest report.

This week we have harvested the following

  • 14 quail eggs which would have cost us £2.94 from a shop.
  • 6 chicken eggs which would have cost us £1.50 from a shop.
  • 5 globe artichokes which would have cost £2.50 from a shop.
  • 200g new potatoes which would have cost us 25p from a shop
  • 500g broad beans which would have cost us £1 from a shop.
  • 500g strawberries which would have cost us £5 from a shop
  • 150g raspberries which would have cost us £1.50 from a shop
  • 500g cherries which would have cost us £5 from a shop
  • 50 garlic bulbs which would have cost us £15 from a shop
  • A selection of salad eaves and herbs as needed. We will allow £1 for these.

This week's total

That brings this week's total too £35.96. I think that makes this week the highest week of value to date. Again I am very happy with that figure. As the year goes on we should get higher and higher yields.

how much have you harvested this week? let me know In the comments below or Email me here.

One thought on “Weekly harvest report

  • We did our full garlic harvest this week and it compensated for the fact that we have been away for a couple of days and we also have a few friends away so we’ve backed off the normal weekly harvests. Still we managed to bring in £204 of fruit and veg this week.

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