
Weekly harvest report.

Every week I like to share a weekly harvest report. Sharing what I have harvested from my garden and allotment and how much that would of cost from a shop.

Weekly harvest report.

  • 12 chicken eggs which would have cost us £3.00 from a shop.
  • 14 quail eggs which would have cost us £2.94 from a shop.
  • 3.65 kg of rhubarb which would have cost us £12.60 from a shop.
  • 450g leeks which would have cost us £1.00 from a shop.
  • 200g of asparagus which would have cost us £2.00 from a shop.
  • About a bag of salad leaves and fresh herbs as and when we needed them. These would have cost us about £1.00.

This week's totals.

Wow, what a week this week total value comes too £22.54. Mostly from the rhubarb of which I will have so much this year that I am already struggling to use up.

I am really happy with this week's harvest. Plenty of food coming in and saving us plenty of money.

What have you harvested this week? let me know in the comments or Email me here.


3 thoughts on “Weekly harvest report.

  • Blimey Richard, what do you do with all of that rhubarb! We have so much of the stuff it’s basically a weed and ends up on the compost heap.

    It’s certainly been a good week, the over-wintered veg is now coming to an end and the plot is transitioning to summer planting but we still managed 125 litres of veg. Carrots, lettuces, rocket, corn salad, lots of types of kale, kalettes, red cabbage, sprouts, 14 litres of purple sprouting broccoli, radish, chard, spinach, perpetual spinach, spring onions, rhubarb. We’ve now run out of golden beetroot, but we still have a months store of red beetroot, beans, onions and potatoes. We bartered for 12 eggs and locally grown greenhouse tomatoes. This week our total harvest value for the year exceeded the cost of the polytunnel, by the end of May we will have covered our total costs for the year, so it’s all profit from there All the best – Steve

  • Wow, Steve again you are harvesting so much food. I am glad its paid for the polytunnel already.
    My rhubarb I am always trying to find different uses for it. I get a lot that needs using up.
    All the best. Richard

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