
The joys of mint.

In recent weeks I've found myself using a herb more and more often and in different uses and that herb is as the title suggests is mint.
Mint is such a wonderful herb that grows extremely well and so easy to proper hate more plants from root cuttings, great for expanding the collection of plants while making more room for the plant to expand.
The traditional garden mint is properly the most common to be found and very versatile, it has a mint flavour (obvious I know for mint but wait till later in this article) that goes well with peas (simply and a sprig of mint to a pan of peas while cooking them). I have recently hung some of this mint in a dark shed to dry out so I can store some in my herb cupboard.
Another use for mint I've recently been experimenting with is making mint teas. I've used Moroccan mint and peppermint tea for this by simply putting a few leaves in a tea-pot pouring over hot water and leaving for a few minutes too step and then it's ready to serve adding honey to sweeten if required. I've used these teas to heal myself when I've suffered headaches of which it has helped. I'm also told it can help with an upset stomach as it will help settle the stomach but I have not tested this.
Spearmint is another mint I like to use added to vinegar as a cleaning spray, the vinegar sterilise work tops while the spearmint gives a mint smell to the cleaning. To make this I simply add some spearmint to a bowl and pour over some warm vinegar and leave to step overnight before sieving and decanting into a spray bottle.
Talking of vinegar I use apple mint for mint sauce (mmmmm roast lamb). Chop up some apple mint leaves and add to some distilled vinegar with a bit of sugar and give it a good stir.
Now I mentioned earlier about different flavours from mint well there are hundreds of choices out there. I've tried chocolate, grapefruit, orange to name a few and they definitely taste of their namesake a great way of adding a different dimension to flavours in cooking.
So who else out there has uses for mint share them below.