
Photos from week 28 of 2017.

Another week and another collection of photos. taken in week 28 of 2017 lets take a look at whats been going on.

Setting up stage 2 of the IKEA hydroponics kit.

Over the weekend I decided to set up the second stage of my IKEA hydroponics kit as pictured below. Overall I have found this kit easy to set up and these kits have plenty of attachments to build bigger systems. however for now I just want to see how this kit works out as is, then I shall see if its worth investing in more.



Stage 2 of IKEA hydroponics kit.

Things progressing on the allotment.

Down the allotment things have been really changing. The weather is on our side at the moment. Lets take a look across the plot.

A view across the allotment.
A view across the top half of the plot.

looking at these it possibly doesn't look much different however things have changed. more weeds have grown and been removed. However many plants have grown more like the sweetcorn pictured next.

Sweetcorn has grown more in the last week.

I reckon it has grown a good foot higher in the last week. It has also started to produce male flowers which is brilliant.

Next I have noticed pumpkins have set and are growing well.

My first pumpkin has set this year.

I also have a smaller pumpkin that has set. However I fear that this one may need a bit of support as it will hang where it is.

A smaller pumpkin has also set.

Next I have also noticed that my globe artichokes have started to burst into flower. While I could have harvested the flower buds I like to leave a few to flower and attract bees.

Harvests of the week.

As always a few photos of what I have harvested this week.

French beans
Jarmor shallots
First Cucumber
Homeguard potatoes

There was more harvested but as many has already been pictured in previous weeks, I decided not to put these photos up.

That's it for this weeks collection please leave any comments suggestions below.