
Photos from week 24 of 2017.

This week i have a few photos from the allotment.


Firstly I have a photo of the cherry tree of which if you look closely you shall see the bird scare tape put up to protect my cherries from the birds.

cherry tree protection

Below we have a couple of photos of my new barbecue smoker. I love cooking outdoors and I love barbecue. The idea of cooking up a barbecue on the allotment was very inviting and with the addition of being able to smoke some food, well I just had to do it.


My new smoker
My new bbq smoker







Something I found very lifting was this next image. It was a hot day on the plot and very unmotivated but when I stood back and looked across my plot and saw how much I had growing well my spirits were lifted.

I love this view.

My next photo shows a cabbage I have been growing and I'm still impressed with how much growth it has put on.

Cabbage has put on plenty of growth

This weeks harvests.

My next photo shows the early purple wight garlic that I have harvested this week. I'm really pleased with how it has performed this year.

Early purple wight garlic harvest 2017

Next I have a huge bowl of freshly harvested fruit. mmmm tasty.

A large bowl of freshly harvested fruit

However this strawberry was a funny shape.

A star shaped strawberry

So that's it for this weeks photos. If you like to hear what happened on the plots this last week then please have a listen to yesterdays podcast which can be foundĀ here.

Of course please feel free to share your photos with me.