
Episode 392. My tips for when gardening becomes overwhelming.

Join me in this weeks podcast where I share my tips for when gardening becomes overwhelming. I also have a question from a listener about companion planting and I have the latest from the plots.

The diary

This week the weather has been surprising. Snow appeared here and we hardly ever get snow here. That didn't stop me from sowing seeds and pricking out lots of plants. Every day we are doing something in the garden.

Saturday was spent on the allotment cutting the grass and mulching. A weekly job at the moment.

Sunday was spent at home potting on in the sun.

Companion planting.

I haven't dabbled into the world of companion planting for a while now. Mainly due to lack of organising but this week I have had a question from a listener who is asking about this method and it spurred me on to try again this year.

Companion planting is an organic way of gardening that can help control pests or improve crops.

I will be growing basil and tomatoes together for better tasting tomatoes. Grow nasturtiams for controlling cabbage white butterflies. Growing calendula to improve pollination.

Vegplotter is a great resource for help with this.

If you have any successful companion planting stories please get in touch.

One thought on “Episode 392. My tips for when gardening becomes overwhelming.

  • I’ve sowed carrots in between onions and leeks this year, mainly because that it where I had room. I then thought it was probably good companion planting, I’ll see how it goes.

    I always sow a lot of marigolds and plant a row of them, their smell is quite over powering which could distract bugs and other pests.

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