
Episode 181. 2018 chilli fiesta

Join me in this week's podcast where I take you on my visit to chilli fiesta at west dean gardens. I also share the latest updates on my allotment and vegetable patch.

The diary

This weeks tasks have included the following

  • Potting on seedlings
  • Discovering a lone carrot
  • Harvesting sweetcorn

I also update on the latest updates with the skinny jean gardener fest which is now happening on the 19th August 2018. Click on this link to find out more from Lee.

2018 chilli fiesta

Every year for the last few years I have attended the chilli fiesta held at west dean gardens. Every year I have a very enjoyable day and this year was no different.

West dean gardens located just north of Chichester in west Sussex is my favourite garden to visit. The walled gardens are a delight to walk around with the vegetable gardens being such an integral part of this. There are of course some more formal gardens including the spring gardens and a woodland walk. Please check out the West dean gardens website to find out more.

I was incredibly lucky to chat to Sarah Wain the gardening supervisor at west dean. She has worked at the gardens since 1991 and has seen many changes in her time. You can hear the chat in this podcast but I highly recommend a visit in order to get a better idea of the gardens.

Chilli fiesta is the UK biggest chilli festival. Held across 3 lawns with talks and demonstrations happening in various places there is something for everyone.

In this podcast I have recorded several pieces of audio throughout the day sharing my experiences as well as being able to chat to several stall holders about their stalls and products. On a personal level I noted that several stalls selling sauces and marinades spoke about how they try to incorporate their own homegrown produce into their products. For me this is the type of product I want to know about.

I have added links to the various stalls featured in this podcast

Please listen and enjoy. As always any comments or suggestions greatly received.