
Digging into Gardening with Charles Dowding: The Kids’ Edition – Episode 488

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Veg Grower Podcast! Join Richard as he takes you on a journey through his allotment and garden, featuring a special interview with no-dig guru Charles Dowding.

Segment 1: Down the Allotment

In this first segment, Richard updates us on his recent activities at the allotment. He has been working on extending one of his beds with corrugated iron and harvesting the last of the Brussels sprouts. He also shares his plans for continuing to add glass to his greenhouse.

Segment 2: Interview with Charles Dowding

In this segment, Richard chats with Charles Dowding, the renowned no-dig guru, about his new children's book and the benefits of using the no-dig method in gardening.

Segment 3: In the Veg Garden

After the interview, Richard shares his latest diary update from the veg garden. This week, he spent some time sowing seeds and using the multi-sowing approach recommended by Charles. He also gives us a glimpse into his gardening activities at home, including planting fruit bushes, weeding, watering, and potting strawberries.

In the closing segment, Richard comments on how much he enjoyed Charles' book and how his niece also loved it. He shares a recipe for Brussels Sprouts and invites listeners to join the Veg Grower Supporters Club. Don't forget to follow the podcast on social media and send in your reviews and comments via email.

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