
#554 Where are all these slugs and snails coming from?

Join Richard in this weeks podcasts where the on going battle with slugs and snails continues but Richard thinks he has found out why. Richard has also been sowing some flower plants and is joined by Lee Connolly for national children's gardening week.

Where are all these slugs and snails coming from?

In most years Richard never has a problem with slugs and snails. This year however Richard has noticed a huge increase in the amount of slugs and snails at home. The wet winter and spring has of course made the slugs and snail population worse but Richard noticed that the allotment isn't suffering.

So what's changed?

In this segment Richard shares with you what action he has now taken.

Sowing flowers.

You probably thinking Richard doesn't grow flowers! And you would be correct. However Richard does grow edibles and some flowers can be edible and some can be beneficial to his edible crops.

This week Richard has been growing some flowers that full into this category such as

  • Nasturtiams
  • Sunflower's
  • Marigolds
  • Dahlias

There's many more that can also be sown too.

Chef Scott Recipe Of The Week.

This week chef Scott shares a delicious Pasta with broad bean, pancetta and parmesan. Which sounds delicious but also uses broad beans that have just came into season.

National Children's Gardening Week.

And finally Richard is joined by Lee Connolly of the Skinny Jean Gardener where we are talking about National children's gardening week.

Lee has offered a discount code for his book from his website using discount code veggrower

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