
30.4.2018 Square foot gardening project.

In this weeks video from the veg grower podcast, I start a new project looking into square foot gardening.

Square foot gardening.

A few years ago I looked into square foot gardening as a way to make the most use of the small garden I had back then. Before I got round to implementing this method I gained an allotment and well since then I have not had any need for it.

Earlier this year my cousin who lives all the wat on Vancouver Island, Canada contacted me about square foot gardening as she had gained a small parcel of land and was going to try this method to suit her needs. Well, I decided to give it a try. I have set up my vegetable trug for this experiment.

In this video, I have used canes to make each square foot. Two of the squares have been planted some lettuce. In another square, I have sown some radish seeds. This will leave 3 squares to plant more in the near future.

Check out the video below to find out more.