
11.6.2018 allotment and vegetable patch June tour

Join me in this week's video from the veg grower podcast where I take my monthly trip around the allotment and vegetable patch.

Allotment and vegetable patch tour.

In this video I take a walk around my allotment and share how it is looking at the moment. To be fair the weeds having taken hold which is a battle to keep on top off. You will see how the plants that have been recently planted out are doing such as sweetcorn and pumpkins.

After the allotment we head home and take a tour of the vegetable plot. In this clip we can see how the chickens are doing. We also see how the plants that are now planted out are looking as well as looking in the greenhouse to see what's going on in there.

Check out the video below.

Don't forget to add any comments or suggestions.