
Weekly harvest report. Week 7 of 2019.

Each week I like to share my weekly harvest report. Reporting what I've harvested over the last week and how much it would of cost to buy.

Weekly harvest report.

This week we have harvested the following

  • 15 chicken eggs which would have cost us £3.75 from a shop.
  • 1 large cabbage which would have cost us 79p from a shop.
  • 1kg potatoes which would have cost us 80p from a shop.
  • 250g chard which would have cost us £2 from a shop.
  • 5 small turnips which would have cost us £1 from a shop.
  • A selection of herbs and salad leaves harvested as and when required. We allow £1 for these.
<li>That brings this week's value to £9.34. Not a bad total this week. There is still more food that could be harvested on the plots too.</li>
<li>The total value of food harvested so far this year comes to £44.58.</li>

This week's spending.

  • This week we've spent the following
    • £10 on a new grow light to expand on my current collection.
    <li>And that's all I've spent this week. Which brings this week's total to £10 and the total so far for this year to £105.42.</li>
    <li>What have you harvested this week? Let me know in the comments or <a href="">Email me here. </a></li>