
Scott’s strawberry and Lavender Sorbet

Hi its Scott here with this week’s recipe and despite me worrying about losing my strawberries to birds and slugs this year over the weekend I picked almost 2kg of strawberries so I had to thinking about preserving them and for me preserving isn’t just about prolonging the self-life but also preserving the taste of the allotment and jams are a great way of doing this but I think the cooking loses the freshness of the fruit so I turned to sorbet because it keeps the fresh flavour of the fruit.

For me there is nothing better than eating a homemade sorbet in January to remind of the warm, light days to come and to blow away the winter blues.

So, this week’s recipe is strawberry and lavender sorbet

So lets head to the kitchen and hear how its made.

As usual you can find this recipe and others on the and on my Instagram page seed to table plot 13.

For this recipe you will need.

For the lavender sugar syrup

400g caster sugar

350ml water

6 lavender flowers English lavender is best

For the sorbet

600g of strawberries

And 400ml of the lavender syrup


To make the lavender syrup add the sugar, water and lavender to a pan and on a medium high heat bring to a simmer and simmer for 5 minutes.

Then completely cool before use.

Now take the strawberries and blitz in a food processor or with a stick blender and blend until smooth and then pass through a fine sieve to remove the seeds.

Now combine the pureed strawberry and stock syrup and then chill so its very cold below 3c is best so you can put it in the freezer for this.

Then add to an ice cream machine and churn until ready or put the mixture in the freezer for 1 hour and then stir with a fork every 40 minutes for 4hrs. And that’s the recipe done and that’s it from me this week.

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