
Project eat what I grow.

I've discussed my second project for 2016 on a recent project and now I've finally decided what to call this project. It's call project eat what I grow.
As discussed on th podcast my aim with this project is to be able to grow all our fruit and vegetable needs. This may sound easy and an obvious aim in principle but when you really think about it's not as easy as it sounds.
The first difficulty I can foresee is with items such as bananas or pineapples is that these items are not easy to grow here in the south uk. It is possible to grow these items but with a considerable amount of effort, energy and space and for little returns. So these items I will not be growing but will either substitute or continue to buy.
My next difficulty is items that are out of season or not ready yet. This time of the year for example there is little available for harvesting so I will need to use what I have stored up, which in turn means I will need to store harvests too. So plenty of freezing, dehydrating jams etc throughout the year. I also shall need to start seeds as early as possible and use the greenhouse to extend the seasons.
So far these problems are workable but relying on what I grow to feed ourselves has one problem that can't be controlled the weather. All I can do there is hope for the best.
So after all these my thoughts next turn too how can I achieve this. Well I've looked at what we eat and realised we eat a lot of salad crops so growing salad leafs every few weeks will be required. Other popular from gods we eat include beans and peas and cabbage. I've recently been eating a lot of smoothies of which uses a lot of fruit so perhaps by growing fruits that give me harvests all throughout the year I will keep a decent supply going.
My other idea to grow everything I eat is to use all growing space available all the time so when new crop is cleared another crop follows even if it's just some speedy crops such as radish. This is very easy to achieve but takes lots f planning and thinking ahead.
Well this just about sums up the outline of this project but it I will keep you all updated on these project as I go along so keep checking for updates and feel free to add any comments or suggestions below.