
Photos from week 23 of 2017.

This weeks photos

We start this weeks photos with a photo of my sweet peas which I am really enjoying the colours they are producing as they grow.


This next photo shows how the pumpkins are growing in the compost heap. so far so good as they seem to be looking pretty healthy and showing signs of flowering.

Pumpkins growing on the compost heap.

This week I have planted out sweetcorn as shown in this photo. They look a little sad at the moment but give them a few days and they shall bounce back.

Just planted sweetcorn


I spoke on this weeks podcast of how my experiment with an attempt to get perennial Brussel sprout plant is going. Well here is the proof.

My experimental perennial Brussel sprout plant


This next photo shows the damage caused by the recent strong winds.

Storm damage artichoke plant.


These tomato plants are growing well.

Tomato plants growing well


My next photo is a shot of the raspberries and current plants all mixed together.

A mix of raspberries and currents


I have been preparing for planting sweet potatoes. Under this weed membrane is a thick layer of well-rotted horse manure. Soon the sweet potatoes will be planted out.

Preparing for sweet potatoes.


So that's it this week for the photos. Please leave any comments below.