
Episode 354. Planting Xmas new potatoes

In today's podcast, I am planting some new potatoes for Xmas. Something I don't usually do but thought I would give it a try this year. I also have the latest from the plots and a couple of announcements.

The diary

in this weeks diary section I have been busy protecting my crops from the chickens and hatching new quail.

I have also set up my irrigata flo pro eco 12 in my greenhouse on the hope that it'll take care of watering my plants when I am busy. if you click on the link above itll take you to Amazon but if you want to find more then check out the irrigata website

Planting Xmas new potatoes

This year I have decided to give growing Xmas new potatoes a go. Usually, I am a fan of roasties on my Christmas dinner plate but as this year is all about growing as much as I can I thought it would make sense to grow some new potatoes.

There's nothing different about growing these potatoes other then we are planting them at this time of year rather than early spring. Just plant them in a bucket keep well watered and feed. Then perhaps in October, we will move them into the greenhouse. Sounds easy but will the results be worth it?

Become a supporting member.

One of my announcements in this podcast is the launch of the new supporting member scheme I am launching. Supporting members will receive exclusive podcast videos and content as well as a collection of veg seeds each month delivered to there door for the price of £5 a month.

This support will help me keep the website running, keep the podcasts coming and improving as well as help to my ultimate goal of encouraging more to grow there own food.

To sign up click on the paypal link

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