
Episode 176. Introducing Julia’s kitchen garden

Join me in this weeks podcast where I share the start of Julia's kitchen garden. I also share the latest on my allotment and vegetable patch.

The diary

Each week I like to share what tasks I have done over the last week including.

  • Weeding.
  • Moving the quail to the potting shed.
  • A broody chicken.

Julia's kitchen garden.

I am very excited' pleased and proud to announce that Julia from the bald explorer has started her own kitchen garden. In this weeks episode I have popped along to her plot to take a look at add some points and how to go. You can listen to that chat in this podcast.

Julia is part of the bald explorer team along with my good friend Richard. Check out the his website here. He also created a little video interview which can be found below.


If you would like to share any advice to Julia then leave a comment below or Email me here.