
#490 Creating a Seed Bed in a Plastic Container: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to the Veg Grower Podcast, where we discuss all things gardening and vegetable growing. In this episode, we're going to talk about creating a seed bed from a plastic container, an easy and affordable way to get your seeds off to a great start. We'll share tips and tricks from our own experiences, so let's get started!

Main Segment: Seed bed

Creating a Seed Bed from a Plastic Container A seed bed is a special area in your garden or allotment where you can start your seeds before transplanting them into the ground. Creating a seed bed from a plastic container is a great way to save money and get your seeds off to a great start. Here's how to do it:

  1. Choose a plastic container: Look for a container that's at least 10 centimeters deep and has drainage holes in the bottom. You can use a variety of containers, such as a plastic tray, a recycled yogurt pot, or even an old washing up bowl.
  2. Fill the container with soil: Fill the container with a good quality soil or compost. If the soil is dry, moisten it before filling the container.
  3. Sow your seeds: Sow your seeds according to the instructions on the packet. Make sure to space them out evenly and not too close to the edges.
  4. Water your seeds: Water your seeds gently, being careful not to dislodge them. Cover the container with a plastic lid or cling film to create a mini greenhouse effect.
  5. Monitor the seedlings: Keep an eye on your seedlings and water them regularly. Once they have grown into small plants, you can transplant them into the ground or into larger containers.

Diary Segment:

What's Happening in the Veg Garden In our latest episode, we shared some updates from our own veg garden. We've been busy pricking out cauliflowers and Brussels sprouts into plug plants. Cutting down our wood pile into small chunks for the fire, and clearing more weeds from our veg beds. We also moved our medium and small Vegepods to a new area and discussed plans for the seed bed segment in the greenhouse.

Recipe of the week

This weeks recipe uses 3 ingredients. Cabbage shredded into thin strip. Chopped onion and crushed garlic. Fry all 3 together in a pan. Delicious. More of our recipes can be found on this link.

Conclusion: Thanks for tuning in to the Veg Grower Podcast! We hope you found our tips on creating a seed bed from a plastic container helpful. Remember to subscribe to our podcast for more gardening tips and advice. Don't forget to check out our blog for more updates on our own veg garden. Happy gardening!

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