
15.4.2018 Allotment and vegetable patch monthly walk around.

Each month I like to make a video record of a walk around my allotment and vegetable patch. April's monthly walk around.

April's walk around.

In this video, I walk around my allotment and vegetable noting what changes I have made and whats springing into life.

This month there is a lot of activity on the plot as many plants are spring into life including rhubarb and asparagus.

We also share how the potatoes planted a few weeks ago are starting to poke there head above the soil and will soon need topping up with more compost.

We also have pear trees really putting on lots of flowers and looking fantastic. As well as gooseberries putting on plenty of leaf growth.

Its a very exciting time of year so please join me in checking out my plots this month.

As always any comments or suggestions then please get in touch.