Live show

Thank you!!!!

Thank you to everyone who got involved in the 24 hour live podcast stream that Lee and I completed yesterday. We could not have done it without everyone who got involved.

We raised nearly £600 (with one caller who will add the sales of some gardening equipment to the charities at a later date) across the 3 charities!!!! Amazing result and thank you to everyone who donated.

If you still would like to donate to any of these charities then please visit there websites.

  • Greenfingers who are a national charity dedicated to supporting children who spend time in hospices around the UK, along with their families, by creating inspiring gardens for them to relax in and benefit from. We create beautiful, well-designed outdoor spaces for children to enjoy with their family, friends and siblings, whether through play and fun, or therapeutic rest and relaxation
  • Thrive who use gardening to bring about positive changes in the lives of people living with disabilities or ill health, or who are isolated, disadvantaged or vulnerable.
  • Perennial, the UK’s only charity dedicated to helping everyone who works in horticulture, and their families, when times get tough.

The phone calls and comments certainly made the show with all the questions, help and words of encouragement along the way. We even had Gardeners World legend Adam Frost call in!!!

Of course we could not of done it without all the videos and pictures that where sent in even if we didn't get time to go through them all.

We where also lucky enough to be joined by Saul walker, Lucy Chamberlain and Ellen Mary at points throughout the 24 hour period too. Fellow podcasters united and there gardening expertise went a long way to answering the questions our viewers/listeners sent us.

We don't think we could have also managed it without our wives who kept us fed and watered. A big round of applause goes tho them for that and of course Olive, Lee's daughter, stole the show every time.

We had a good number of viewers throughout the 24 hours whose support was really welcomed. We must pay particular credit to Ed, Lara and Ricky who stayed with us right from the beginning to the end. They where also instrumental in sharing our stream throughout social media and getting more and more people involved. They where in our corner.

Lastly, I want to thank my co host and good friend Lee Connelly who of course hosted the show, created the artwork, contacted the charities to get them on board and of course kept the conversation going. Fortunately Lee and I always work well together and get on with each other like a house on fire which is a key thing in a project like this.

What more can I/we say except thank you to everyone.

who knows if we will do another 24 hour podcast live stream? What do you think?