
#489 Building an Edible Garden on a Driveway: A Creative Solution for Small Spaces

Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Veg Grower Podcast. I'm Richard, and in today's episode, we'll be covering some exciting updates from my allotment and garden, including the installation of more glass in the greenhouse, building a new compost bin, and digging out cherry trees that have self-seeded. We'll also dive into my latest project of building an edible garden on my driveway, as well as an update on pricking out seedlings in the veg garden.

Allotment Updates.

I've been busy with a few tasks lately. Firstly, I've installed more glass in the greenhouse to increase light and warmth for the plants. This involved taking measurements, ordering the glass, and carefully fitting it into place. Secondly, I've built a new compost bin using corrugated iron sheets. This will be used to create nutrient-rich compost for the plants. Lastly, I've been digging out cherry trees that have self-seeded and are growing in areas that I need for other crops. While it was a tough job, it's important to keep the allotment tidy and make the most of the space available.

Edible Driveway Garden

Next up, I'll share with you my latest project of building an edible garden on my driveway. As mentioned in the podcast, this involved clearing out several privet bushes and researching what edible crops would thrive in the limited space. I decided to grow everything in pots, including fruit plants like thornless blackberry, currant bushes, jostaberry, blueberries, and raspberries. I used the largest pots I had to give the plants plenty of space to grow and deter theft. While the garden is still in its early stages, I'm excited to see how the plants will grow and produce in the coming years.

Latest Veg Garden Updates

In the last section of the podcast, I'll share some updates from my veg garden. This includes pricking out seedlings, spreading compost, and tidying up the patio garden. I've been particularly focused on pricking out seedlings, including onions, which can be a delicate process. It's important to take care when handling the seedlings to avoid damaging the roots.

Recipe of the week

That's it for today's episode of the Veg Grower Podcast. We hope you enjoyed hearing about our latest updates from the allotment and garden. Before we go, we'd like to share a delicious recipe that uses just butternut squash and chocolate to make an interesting pudding.

Simply roast 1 butternut squash until soft then allow it to cool enough to handle. Peel and chop the tasty flesh and place the flesh in a blender.

Melt 4 bars of chocolate and add to the blender. Blend the squash and chocolate together until all the squash is liquid. Then pour the chocolate into a pan too cool. Serve like a chocolate cake.

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