Weekly harvest report

Weekly harvest report for 8th January to 14th January 2025

Another week has flown by, and with it comes another opportunity to share the joys of growing our own vegetables, both on the allotment and in our kitchen garden. While tending to plants is rewarding in itself, the real excitement comes from harvesting delicious produce to enjoy at home.

A Yearly Goal: £8,000 Worth of Produce

For 2025, we’ve set ourselves an ambitious goal: to grow £8,000 worth of vegetables from our allotment and kitchen garden. It’s a lofty target, but achieving it would make a significant dent in our grocery bills while providing fresh, homegrown food.

This Week’s Harvest

Eggs – 12

Once again, our chickens delivered a dozen of the freshest, tastiest eggs you could ask for. Comparing prices, these eggs would have cost us £2.79 at an economy supermarket or £4.25 at a premium retailer. Nothing beats the flavour of home-laid eggs!

Ginger – 200g

This week brought our first and only ginger harvest of the year. Although 200g isn’t a huge yield, it’s a great start. I’ve set aside some of the ginger to double our plant count for next year, so we’re hopeful for a larger harvest in 2026. This ginger would have cost 59p at Aldi or £1.20 at a premium store.

Leeks – 2

Leeks are a hardy winter vegetable and a staple in our household this time of year. These two leeks were perfect for our Sunday lunch. In the shops, they’d cost £1.39 at an economy supermarket or £1.50 at a premium retailer.

Parsnips – A Few

Parsnips are another winter favourite, particularly after a frost when their flavour is at its best. This week’s harvest would cost 55p at an economy store or £2.20 at a premium shop.

Salad Leaves and Herbs

As with last week, we’ve been harvesting salad leaves and herbs as needed. Though we don’t weigh them, they form a daily part of our meals. We allow the cost to be 75p for salad leaves and 52p for herbs from an economy supermarket, or £2 for salad leaves and 80p for herbs from a premium retailer.

Weekly Totals

Adding up this week’s harvest value:

  • Economy shop equivalent: £6.59
  • Premium shop equivalent: £11.95

Combining these with last week’s totals, we’re now at:

  • Economy shop equivalent: £11.19
  • Premium shop equivalent: £19.00

A Long Road Ahead

While we’ve made a small dent in our £8,000 target, it’s still early days. Each harvest, no matter how small, brings us closer to our goal and reduces our reliance on supermarket produce. We’re excited to see how the year unfolds and what the next harvest will bring!

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One thought on “Weekly harvest report for 8th January to 14th January 2025

  • Wow, £8000 a year, you must eat a huge amount of fruit and veg Richard.

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