
Weekly harvest report. Week 6.

Each week I like to share my weekly harvest report. Reporting what I've harvested over the last week and how much that would of cost from a shop.

Weekly harvest report.

This week we have harvested the following

  • 14 chicken eggs which would have cost us £3.50 from a shop.
  • A selection of herbs and salad leaf harvested as and when required. We allow £1 for this.
<li>This bring this week's total to £4.50. A very low week to be honest although I don't have much need to harvest lots of food this week as still eating up our stores.</li>
<li>It also brings the total for the year to £35.24.</li>

This weeks spending.

  • This week I have spent the following
    • £7.50 on a bag of chicken layers pellets.£2.00 on a bag of wood shavings for the chicken and quail.

      £4.50 on some seeds.

      £2 entry to a seed swop.

    <li>That being this week spend to £16. Another high spend week although the chicken feed is probably the highest but will last for three months.</li>
    <li>This also brings the total for the year to £95.42. I think we have a lot of harvesting to do to catch up!!!</li>
    <li>What have you harvested this week? Let me know in the comments or <a href="">Email me here. </a></li>

    3 thoughts on “Weekly harvest report. Week 6.

    • You should tell us something about your store Richard, you seem to have an amazing amount stashed away, it’s been keeping you going for months now, very impressive!

    • With three large freezers full it’s easy to keep going although can’t beat fresh food. We have nearly eaten through 1 freezer now so we’re getting there. I’ve read on yours you include what you have in stores. Great stuff buddy.

    • That’s right Richard, we only place a value on food that comes out of the store and gets eaten, not when it goes in, that keeps the tracking accurate and gives others a better picture of how the allotment feeds us. : All the best – Steve

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