Weekly harvest report

Weekly harvest report for weeks 7,8,9 and 10.

Its safe to say I got a little behind with the weekly harvest report. Its all too easy to miss a week then to find it snowball into several weeks. Well today I am catching up on that.

Here's what we have harvested over the last few weeks.

VegetableVarietyQuantityEconomy costPremium costDate harvested
PotatoSarpo mira1kg36p83pas required
EggsChicken45£3.60£13.50most days
Beetrootboltardy500g£1.10£2as required
Carrotsamsterdam forcing500g20p72pas required
ParsnipsGladiator200g13p20pas required
Cabbageprimo f1143p£1.25as required
Herbs1£1£1as required
Salad leaf1£1£1as required
This weeks total£7.82£20.50
Total so far this year26.32£51.61

Well I think catching up was worth the weight as we are seeing some real gains in our harvests but what have we spent?

What have we boughtHow much did we spend?
propagating trays£5
water sprayer£2
Strawberry plants£10
Total this week£74.80
Total so far this year£222.87

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