
Weekly harvest report for week 21 of 2019.

Each week I like to share my weekly harvest report. Reporting what I've harvested and how much that would have cost from a shop.

Weekly harvest report.

This week we have harvested the following

  • 20 chicken eggs which would have cost £5 from a shop.
  • 7 quail eggs which would have cost £1.47 from a shop.
  • 250g broad beans which would have cost 75p from a shop.
  • 100g strawberries which would have cost 50p from a shop.
  • 1kg of rhubarb which would have cost £3.43 from a shop.
  • A selection of herbs and salad leaves harvested as and when required. We allow £1 for this.
<li>That brings this week's total to £12.15 and the total for the year to £224.93.</li>
<li>This week had a little drop in value as I didn't harvest any asparagus. I felt it was about time to allow the plants to recover and strengthen for next year.</li>
<li>It's also the first appearance of broad beans and strawberries this year both of which are very very welcome.</li>

From the vegepod.

  • This weeks vegepod harvest as follows
    • 300g of mixed salad leaves which would have cost us £3 from a shop.
      100g mustard leaves which would have cost us £1
      100g of rocket which would have cost us £1 from a shop.
    <li>This bring this week's total value to £5 from the vegepod and so far this year a value of £13</li>
    <li>I am absolutely blown away with the vegepod and the harvests that have came from it so far. It's providing us with salads for lunch and dinners. It also seems like as soon as I harvest some salads it grows straight back.</li>

    This week's spenditure.

  • I've also spent on the following items
    • £7.50 on compost.
      £4.99 on a stirrup hoe.
      £15 on a heat lamp for the hatched quail.
      £2.00 on some wood shavings.
    <li>That brings this week's total spend to £29.49 and the total for the year to 299.96.</li>I'm noticing that compost is something I keep spending money on. Perhaps next year I could look at bulk buying compost to save a few quid. That being said I used to bulk buy wood shavings for the poultry. The trouble with the bulk bought wood shavings was having somewhere to store it and I can see this being the problem with bulk buying compost. It is worth some thought though.

    What have you harvested this week? Let me know in the comment is Email me here.

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