
Talking to the bald explorer live show about vegetable growing.

I have been mentioning lately that I would be joining Richard Vobes from the bald explorer in one of his live videos. Well, that happened last night and it was a great time. If you didn't join in, the video is below.

The bald explorer.

I have been following the bald explorer's videos for a while now. Richard walks around local points of interest making videos and talking about the sites. Richard and I met a couple of weeks ago to walk around a moat that I grew up near. During this walk, I mentioned about my podcasting and growing vegetables. Richard has been into podcasting since the early days so he was very interested in what we do. He then invited me onto his live show to discuss allotments and growing vegetables.


We set a date which coincided with the moat video but with a date set, we needed to plan what we were going to talk about. We knew it was going to include allotments and vegetable growing. I found a few photos that I thought we could use that might be of interest to viewers. We then discussed doing a bit of cooking live at which point I decided we should use some of my homegrown food. This set me off on a search to find a recipe with what I could harvest.

I knew I had eggs, spinach, rocket, sorrel and chard and a quick online search and I found a recipe for a wild green greek omelette. This fit the bill and could easily be adapted to be cooked live. That was it the plan was set.

Setting up the show.

I met Richard at his house about an hour before the show and we went through what I had brought with me and set the show-up. We had a quick run through of the equipment and how its all set up then we got ready to go live. I will admit I was very nervous and for a second I felt like running away. I am glad I didn't as we had a great time even if everything didn't go quite to plan. Richard also has a quirky sense of humour that is great to bounce off each

other as well as making me feel very comfortable and welcome.

I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed participating in it. Thanks to all who watched and commented. An extra big thank you to Richard Vobes for hosting me for the evening. I hope he will have us back again. If you like to find out more about the bald explorer check out the bald explorer's facebook page.

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