
Episode 150. My propagators.

Join me in episode 150 of the veg grower podcast where I discuss my propagators as well as the latest on the plots.

The diary.

The last couple of podcasts haven't included my diary due to the festive season but its back and we have lots to catch up on including.

  • Clearing a bed
  • Sowing onion seeds
  • Pruning rosemary and blueberries.


My propagators.

Propagators come in many forms sizes and styles. I now have 3 heated propagators and several unheated. I believe they are great for making a head start on seed sowing early in the year.

The heated type I have and have used for several years can be found in the following image

 A larger version is available and based on my experience with the above version I feel this would work very well

I also use unheated propagators which are part of the following root trainers

Do you use any propagators, if so what do you use and what is your experience using them? If you don't use any, what do you use instead let me know in the comments below.

 As always any comments or suggestions please get in touch either through the comments below or through our contact page.

Check me out on most social media platforms to keep updated. Search for the veg grower podcast and you should find me.

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